Creating Zoom Breakout Rooms in Advance – A Canvas Semester Checklist

Creating Zoom Breakout Rooms in Advance – A Canvas Semester Checklist

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Once you have your roster, go back to the Zoom meeting settings. Click “Import from CSV”; Download the file template by clicking the “download” link at the. IU Health offers virtual care for many of your health care needs. How do I download the IU Health Virtual Visits app? For your mobile device. Indiana University, profile picture · Indiana University. Step up your Zoom game by using one our custom virtual backgrounds. ⚡️ Download them here.      

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  Once you have your roster, go back to the Zoom meeting settings. Click “Import from CSV”; Download the file template by clicking the “download” link at the. Zoom Video Conferencing Download Center Zoom is a web collaboration tool available to all Indiana University faculty, staff, and students. A regular Zoom. Zoom is a tool available to all faculty, students, and staff at IU. With Zoom, you can collaborate and host class sessions online through high-quality video.    


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The same is true with these video icons. All three of us currently have our video turned off. So that little video camera has a red slash through it. If my video returned on, it would be well, I'll just show you my video were turned on. Then you'd see that it is a gray icon without the bar. And I would get a little window that shows you my video. I can mute myself directly from this panel if I choose two. And I get a note that says I'd been muted.

And if I want to unmute, I can do that here. Where again, I can do that down here, going to turn my video back off, but assuming I don't want to just interrupt with audio, another option, I have to signal the instructor that I have a question or that I'd like to talk just like in the classroom I can raise my hand so you'll see there's a little blue icon here.

And if I click on that, you'll see that next to my name. But it's a little blue hand appeared that sends an indication to the instructor that I've raised my hand.

So Jason has gotten a little notification that my hand has been raised and he can pause and say, I see that there's a question or I see that Rick has a question. And at that point then I could turn on my audio and ask the question. Or if I decide I don't have a question anymore, I can put my hand back down by clicking on that icon again. Similarly, Jason can put my hand down. So if I click on the raise hand icon when Jason's ready to answer the question, he may then put my hand down.

Jason, you wanna put my hand up? Thanks, Jason. If the instructor asks a question in class that has a simple yes no answer, I can use the icons here that just signal that yes or no. So for instance, Jason may ask, Can everybody hear me okay? And if I can, I can just click on that guess icon. And again, you'll see that I've signaled yes up here next to my name. I can also give a thumbs up or thumbs down or clap my hands.

I just have a few ways of interacting through this window that still keep things quiet and don't interrupt the flow of the class. We're going to put that dialogue away. There's another dialogue that may be of use in your classes, and that is the chat window. So they open that chat window, I get a group chat dialog.

So this allows me to ask questions via text. But the thing that we need to be really careful about is that by default, that chat message is going to be visible to everyone in the room. Hey, there we go. Hi, Jason and Dr. And this question is just to Jason. So the other members of the class won't see that.

This is another way that you may ask questions during the course of a lecture again, without turning your audio on or interrupting the class. But please be aware that as your instructor is, is presenting the materials in class and interacting with this they have a lot on their plate in terms of thinking about what they're doing with the technology and also presenting the material. So they may not be able to give a lot of attention to the group chat window.

They may not see that questions have been asked if that's all that you're doing. And that's why using that participants window to raise your hand makes a lot of sense. So a couple of ways that you might work through this is that if you have a question, you might raise your hand and then type the question into the chat window.

Or you might raise your hand and then if the instructor acknowledges that they want you to ask the question, you may un-mute and ask the question that way. You'll have to work with your individual instructors to figure out exactly what the flow for each of your classes is going to be. So one thing you may notice is that if I have the zoom chat window open and the participants window open, it's obscuring some of the material that Jason has been sharing with me.

And one of them is your view options. If I click on the down arrow there, I can control the zoom ratio for the information that's being shared with me right now. It's set to fit to window, which means it's taking up the entire screen. But I can change that. And exactly what to change it to will really depend on your screen resolution and the instructor screen's resolution and things like that.

But I can also leave the chat window open and the participants window open so that I can interact with the class without obscuring any of this other view. Install Zoom on a desktop or mobile device. Join a Zoom meeting On this page:. Zoom requires you to update your software if it's more than nine months behind the current version. If your version of Zoom software is older than nine months, you will be blocked from joining meetings until you upgrade. Non-IU attendees count toward the person maximum capacity.

Instructors can get help using technology in their teaching at the teaching and learning centers on each campus. This is document bfqu in the Knowledge Base. Last modified on Skip to: content search login. Knowledge Base Toggle local menu Menus About the team. Last modified on Skip to: content search login.

Knowledge Base Toggle local menu Menus About the team. Knowledge Base Search. Log in.


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